Our Facilities
Acres of beautiful plants…
Our plants and flowers grow in efficient, climate-controlled greenhouses to ensure you get top-quality products… always.

Dedicated to growing naturally healthy plants
Using captured rainwater for our growing systems
Recycling millions of litres of irrigation water each year, saving thousands of kilograms of fertilizer
Using energy curtains to save 30+% on natural gas consumption
Employing staff dedicated to pest management and relying almost exclusively on bio-controls to ensure clean, healthy plants

Millions of beautiful plants are grown and sold each year
Our products can be found coast to coast in Canada and the USA:
Propagate and nurture millions of seedlings and cuttings to ensure a fresh growing process
Employ up to 75 full-time workers in peak seasons
Source young plant material and seeds from around the globe — Europe, Africa, Asia, Central and South America.